Wednesday, June 16, 2010

OPI - Fiercely Fiona and Orly - Live Wire

Here is the yellow combination I was going to wear earlier before I remembered I'd worn Sun Worshipper last week. Orly Live Wire is the older one in my stash - I've never work it because it's visibly sheer in the bottle. I was looking for another layer combo to use up some polish, and these seemed to go well.

OPI Fiercely Fiona is from this summer's Shrek collection. I'm very "meh" on it. The color looks almost straight yellow on me - I'm half-Mexican, and though I'm usually pretty pale, I have a tan right now. I am guessing it's the olive undertones in my skin. Here is Fiercely Fiona alone, under halogen:
This was three coats. The consistency was thin and runny - there is still quite a bit of VNL and it is streaky, streaky, streaky. This would take at least four but probably five coats to be opaque.

Orly Live Wire is a pretty, sparkly lemon yellow. As I said before, you can tell it's sheer in the bottle, and this is probably best as a layering polish. This is the finished mani, under halogen:

The shimmer is not very obvious here, but here is a photo taken with my phone, under incandescent light. This one shows off the sparkle, but is less color accurate:

The sheerness is still pretty visible in this photo but it's not nearly as streaky. Here is the total damage - are you ready for this?

Basecoat: OPI Ridge Filler (1 coat)
Color: OPI Fiercely Fiona (3 coats)
Color: Orly Live Wire (2 coats)
Topcoat: OPI Top Coat (1 coat)
Topcoat: Seche Vite (1 coat)

I went with a regular topcoat under Seche Vite because I wanted to avoid tip pulling. I haven't worn an OPI under an Orly before, so I'm not sure how it will react. I would never wear this many coats on a mani I planned to wear for more than two days or so. I know I'll be taking this off on Saturday, when I plan to change my pedi, so it's not a big deal.

Overall, this combination is really pretty and sparkly. It's bright but not neon yellow.

Have a great rest of the week!

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