Monday, January 3, 2011

Essie - Merino Cool

Merino Cool is a pretty purple greige. I only have this in the mini size.

Holy Lobster Hands, Batman!

Basecoat: NailTek II Intensive... something (2 coats)
Color: Essie Merino Cool (4 coats)
Topcoat: Out the Door (1 coat)

Merino Cool is a pretty color, but I'm not sure it works for me. It's one of those colors I was hoping would look better when my tan faded, but as of right now I don't even have a wedding ring tan, and this still makes my hands look red.

Anyway, application was pretty good, even though I had some problems with bald spots that I had to go back and cover.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't find an email contact for you so I'm letting you know that I tagged you as a 'Stylish Blogger' :)

    I think you've got a great little blog going here and I want others to know about it :)
